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Emergency Casualty Care with Chuck Glose

Emergency Casualty Care with Chuck Glose

Chuck Glose, an IBSC Certified Tactical Paramedic, offers an in-person, Advanced First Aid Course. This 3-hour course follows the Tactical Emergency Casualty Care guidelines, for care of patients aged pediatric through geriatric.
The course follows trauma care guidelines and provides training that has been credited with saving countless lives in common, everyday settings as well as life- threatening situations.
In a pre-hospital scenario style, the class covers significant injury care. Concepts include: tourniquet application, wound packing, airway opening and sealing sucking chest wounds.

-Understanding and changing trauma response mindsets. Maximizing performance through breathing techniques to control heart rate
-Locating and identifying treatable, life-threatening injuries. Selecting the correct modalities to treat them.
-Applying tourniquets.
-Wound packing.
-Airway opening and positioning to prevent aspiration in patients.
-Chest seals for thoracic injuries.
-Stop-gap measures with bodyweight or manual pressure to stop arterial blood loss.
-Understanding emergency medical equipment